
  • Impingement Syndrome

    Shoulder impingement is the rubbing of a prominent acromion onto the rotator cuff. It commonly manifests as pain with overhead motion.This condition is most commonly treated with physical therapy, injections and NSAIDs. If these therapies fail, in rare cases it may require surgical decompression.

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  • Instability

    This condition involves repeated dislocation the humeral head out of its normal location in the glenoid and either slips back or must be put back in its native position to match the socket. It is initially treated by physical therapy but patients with recurrent dislocations and younger active patients

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  • Labral Tears

    A labral tear results when there is injury to the cartilaginous ring that surrounds the glenoid. This cartilage acts as a bumper to stabilize the humeral head in the center of the glenoid and prevent subluxation or dislocation. It can be torn with traumatic dislocations or with overuse injuries such

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  • Labral Tears

    The labrum, an O-ring type structure made of fibrocartilage that lines the rim of the hip socket (acetabulum) can tear from wear and tear over the years, trauma, or bone spurs. Most patients complain of groin pain with walking or twisting, or catching sensations. The usual work-up consists of a history,

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  • Lateral Epicondylitis

    This condition is basically an overuse injury of the elbow and is commonly called tennis elbow. The tendons on the outside of the elbow attached to the forearm muscles become inflamed and there may be tearing or scarring. This causes pain on the outside of the elbow. Disclaimer: The information

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Sample Orthopedics Practice

4850 T-Rex Ave,
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm



